Audacious female librarians, the exposition. gender perspective in librarianship and documentation teaching




Gender and LGTBI Perspective, Teaching, Library and Information Science, Librarians, Exhibition


Beyond the specific field of gender studies, feminist epistemology is gradually permeating the different scientific fields. This is reflected in its presence in the themes of scientific publications, in congresses, in the curricula and activities developed in higher education. The objective of feminist epistemologies is to approach an objectivity that improves science. This objectivity can correct sexist and androcentric prejudices that offer a partial vision of the world (Reverter-Bañón, 2017). For this reason, the transdisciplinarity of gender studies in higher education is important, from scientific publications to teaching and science dissemination activities. In order to make the gender perspective visible in Library and Information Science (LIS), a bibliographic review is carried out to describe the categories in which these publications can be framed. The topics of the publications range from the production of women professors of LIS, reports with a gender perspective, inclusion in curricula with a gender perspective, sexual diversity, and women's libraries, among others. The purpose of the review is to categorize publications on teaching, research, and dissemination activities and to highlight where work is being done to promote the gender perspective in LIS. On the other hand, one of the strengths of feminist epistemologies is the visibility of the work of women or other minority groups silenced and less present due to patriarchy, capitalism, and colonialism. The visibilization of women's work in LIS is still important since in the curricula and scientific publications we do not find many names of women professionals or academics or topics with a gender perspective. With the aim of demonstrating a good practice of visibilization of the work of women within libraries and collaboration between the university and public institutions bearing in mind the gender perspective, the exhibition "Bibliotecarias Audaces" made by the Municipal Library of La Laguna "Adrián Alemán de Armas" in 2018 is presented. The exhibition was loaned and has been permanently located in the Faculty of Communication and Documentation of the University of Granada (UGR). From the Municipal Library of La Laguna "Adrián Alemán de Armas", we wanted to make and made a recognition to the librarians who throughout history and the world have contributed to progress in both technical work and library services. The exhibition represents in a plural way the most outstanding professionals in many countries and at different stages throughout time. Although the number of women librarians included was limited in the exhibition carried out and discussed and disseminated in this work, it must be recognized that there are many more who have contributed, in one way or another, to the evolution and development of libraries.


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How to Cite

Aguilar-Soto, M., Lázaro-Rodríguez, P., & Cotarelo-Álvarez, E. (2023). Audacious female librarians, the exposition. gender perspective in librarianship and documentation teaching. Revista EDICIC, 3(3), 1–16.