The dillema between misinformation and freedom of speech




Misinformation, Law, Freedom of Speech


Combating disinformation has become a significant challenge these days, especially when faced with the principle of freedom of expression. While freedom of expression is a fundamental right that promotes the open exchange of ideas and access to information, the proliferation of false and misleading information raises serious questions. This relationship raises the following problem: what limits are necessary to protect society from disinformation? In this context, this work aims to analyze the relationship between freedom of expression and disinformation. It seeks to understand the limitations of freedom of expression in order to combat all types of misinformation. Qualitative descriptive and exploratory bibliographical research was used as methodological procedures. As a result, it was realized that the fight against disinformation only happens with the verification of facts and the responsible use of freedom of expression and, for this, regulatory measures are necessary, helping to combat the dissemination of false information, consequently preserving the principles democratic rights and individual rights. As final considerations, it was realized that it is necessary to promote public awareness about the importance of verifying facts and encouraging the responsible use of freedom of expression.


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How to Cite

Martins, G. N., Nascimento, N. M. do, & Leonardo, C. A. L. (2023). The dillema between misinformation and freedom of speech. Revista EDICIC, 3(2), 1–8.