The ethical dilemmas of artificial intelligence in library information services




Artificial Intelligence, Ethic, Information Science, Libraries, Information Services


Libraries are growing organizations that provide services to society and need to be continuously updated with new technologies. With artificial intelligence, libraries can use this technology to support their tasks, but at the same time, information professionals need to be aware of the emergence of information services with this technology. The objective of this article is to identify the scientific production in the Base de Dados Referenciais de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação and Web of Science databases, in the period 2018-2022, on the theme of artificial intelligence in Information Science, considering its ethical issues. The methodology is qualitative and is characterized by a systematic literature mapping. This article is the result of a master's research in progress. As a result, a total of 136 publications were found and only 19 relevant articles were selected using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses technique, which indicate that the topic of ethical issues of Artificial Intelligence in library information services is more investigated in articles published in English in the database Web of Science. It is necessary a more critical and active positioning of the information professional, in this case, of the librarians so that they update themselves in the contents related to the technological context to offer information services that meet the needs of the users. In addition, it is necessary to develop more research in the area of Information Science on this topic.

Author Biographies

Ana Paula Almeida, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Master's student in Information Science at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Bachelor in Library Science and Documentation from Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFPE). Since 2008 she has worked as a Librarian at the Instituto Cervantes in Recife. His research interests consist of the following themes: artificial intelligence, ethics, libraries and information services.

Célio Andrade de Santana Júnior , Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Célio Santana is a professor at Information Science Department on Federal University of Pernambuco. He holds a doctor degree in computer science researching agile software development and Master degree in computer engineering. The recent focus of his research is about business of social media and digital caution on social information.

Thiago Henrique da Silva Brito, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Graduated in Information Management from the Federal University of Pernambuco, I worked as a Scientific Initiation Fellow at PIBIC/UFPE/CNPq, developing activities in the Area of Information Representation and organization. His research interests consist of the following themes: Knowledge Organization and Representation, Information Retrieval, data analysis, machine learning and innovation.


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. P., Santana Júnior , C. A. de, & Brito, T. H. da S. (2023). The ethical dilemmas of artificial intelligence in library information services. Revista EDICIC, 3(3), 1–16.