Notion of text and information representation: an application based on discursive semiotics




Document Analysis, Text, Discourse, Enounce, Discrusive Semiotis


The Organization of Knowledge, more precisely the Organization of Information, includes procedures for representing informational objects through concepts translated into specialized languages, which allows the future retrieval and use of documents. In this scenario, there is the extraction of information from the documents, the so-called keywords, which run through practices, strategies and methods that enable the analysis and treatment of documents. However, treatment and documentary analysis are carried out at the textual level, and since every text is the manifestation of a discourse, for its understanding and representation it is necessary to go through the processes of meaning that are verified through textual resources, enunciation and from the discourse itself present in the plane of expression, it is understood that the traditional document analysis is restricted to the selection of keywords, which is reduced in the semiotic analysis to the level of the sign as theme-image, repetitive and conditioned practice of professional doing. The Organization of Knowledge is a field that involves technical, methodological, practical, and epistemological factors, which allow debates about knowledge and its organization and representation, as well as the processes and products to carry out the activities of treatment, analysis, description, and production of instruments able to categorize and index informational objects. Therefore, it is important to debate the procedure of analysis and document treatment and for its interpretation, resort to semiotic theories that approach the discourse in which the meaning is verified through the generative path of expression, evidencing the relationship between sign, phrases and propositions in the elaboration of the utterance and the meaning manifested in the utterance verified by the cohesion, coherence and congruence, enabling the recognition of the meaning that takes place at the level of discourse. In this way, we seek to understand the notion of text and the representation of information as part of a discourse. Therefore, it is understood that the French line of semiotics, mainly the one proposed by Greimas, presents methodological and technical resources to analyze and understand the notion of text as part of the discourse, with every representation of information being a part of the discourse decoded into words- key used in the search and recovery of informational objects. The article presents a qualitative methodology, based on the analysis of concepts and bibliographical research carried out in the Dialnet database of theoretical foundations on the notion of text, treatment and document analysis, indexing, utterance, enunciation, and discourse. It is concluded that discursive semiotics is able to offer the Organization and Representation of Information and Knowledge mechanisms of interpretation based on semiotics, in order to guarantee that it promotes semantic and cognitive relations with the scientific properties of the document to deal more effectively with and blunt the manifesting information at the discursive level.


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How to Cite

Martines, A. R., Gatto, A. C., & Almeida, C. C. de. (2023). Notion of text and information representation: an application based on discursive semiotics. Revista EDICIC, 3(2), 1–18.