Teaching and research on archive identification in Brazil





Archival Identification, Documentary Typology, Archival Methodology, Teaching and Research, Brazil


This work addresses teaching and research on archival identification and its interdisciplinary relationships within the scope of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Archivology in Brazil. Archival identification is a research methodology that is developed, within the parameters of scientific rigor, as a preliminary task to the archival functions of classification, evaluation, description, and planning of documentary production. It is a working tool for the archivist. It involves an analysis of institutions as producer of documents and its documents, allowing the standardization of the document typology and its grouping into documentary series for record management. It also allows treatment of documents accumulated in archives. The objective of this investigation is to analyze the perspective of archival identification studies in the context of the curricula of undergraduate courses in Archivology and postgraduate research in Information Science. This is exploratory and descriptive research, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, which is developed as a bibliographic and documentary study based on a literature review and the collection and analysis of data on the term and concept of identification and its relations with diplomatic and documentary typology in the field of archival science, present in the teaching plans that guide undergraduate courses in Archivology in Brazil and in open access repositories to retrieve the publications that guide the theme. The theoretical construction of this method has also been addressed in scientific research carried out in the country's postgraduate studies, notably in the field of Information Science, context in which the perspectives opened by the Archival Documentary Genesis Research Group of the Federal Fluminense University, registered in the Directory of Research Groups of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development is inserted, influencing a current of researchers from other Brazilian universities, demonstrating a research trend in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, A. C., & Faben, A. (2024). Teaching and research on archive identification in Brazil. Revista EDICIC, 3(4), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.62758/re.v3i4.216