Ethics and information in the construction of knowledge and the Bachelardian perspective of epistemological obstacles in the formation of the scientific spirit




Scientific Knowledge – Gaston Bachelard, Scientific Knowledge – Ethics, Scientific Knowledge – Information


In the perspective of Gaston Bachelard, the process of construction of the scientific knowledge leads the researcher to the confrontation, conscientious or unconscious, of obstacles that affect the result of this process, as well as in the production of the information that registers and communicates the knowledge generated in the research. Thus, as resulted of an interpretative study of “The formation of the scientific spirit” of Bachelard, this work focuses as object the relationship of ethics and information with the epistemological obstacles in building the knowledge and the formation of the researcher. The conscientious confrontation of these obstacles is conditioned to the understanding concerning the emergency of the ethical boarding in scientific making and the understanding the locus of the information in making of science.


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How to Cite

Gomes, H. F. (2021). Ethics and information in the construction of knowledge and the Bachelardian perspective of epistemological obstacles in the formation of the scientific spirit. Revista EDICIC, 1(1), 38–49.



Research Papers