Participatory inventory as a viable tool for information representation in community museums




Participatory Inventory, Community Museums, Information Representation


It seeks to discuss the properties of the Participatory Inventory for the empowerment of communities, and the possibilities of approaching it with the interface of informational treatment. This is a research of bibliographic nature, and uses as methodological approach the direct observation and the review of concepts in Gomes (2012), Nito and Scifoni (2017), Repep (2019), Bittencourt (2020). As results, it was noted that Participatory Inventories rise as important representative tools. In its body, the information is not only limited to the descriptive data of the space, but integrates all the sociocultural relations and meanings that a community has. Finally, the discussion of non-conventional museum spaces and objects was also proposed, based on the identification of everyday places and relationships that carry the cultural core of a certain social group.


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How to Cite

Reis, M. da S., Fujita, M. S. L., & Sabbag, D. M. A. (2022). Participatory inventory as a viable tool for information representation in community museums. Revista EDICIC, 2(4).