The educational role of the library and the librarian: a study on the Rachel de Queiroz Library in Fortaleza/CE
Role of Libraries, Reading Mediation, Librarian-EducatorAbstract
Aims to discuss the educational dimension of the library and the librarian. Accordingly, it presents a reflection on the role of libraries since the nineteenth century until the present day. Places the practice of mediation in reading and information as a key task of the librarian as an educator and agent of social transformation. The methodology was performed, firstly, a literature on the subject, and in the second step, was undertaken a field survey of stamp qualitative, in which he sought to observe and interact for a period of four months with users and run rivers of Rachel de Queiroz Library, located in Fortaleza/CE and maintained by Social Service of Trade Agreements (SESC). Data collection was conducted between May and September of 2010 and took a sample of 10 subjects of mixed age and both sexes.
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