Construction of digital capital in teachers in the framework of the digital divide
Digital Capital, Digital Divide, Sociocultural ContextAbstract
The digital divide is a phenomenon that in recent years has been analyzed from various factors, such as economic, educational, and social. However, it is important to analyze the way in which the teacher builds his/her knowledge and approaches the use of technology based on the construction of his/her digital capital as a way to reduce the digital divide. To this end, the main objective of the research is to analyze the construction of teachers' digital capital based on their characteristics and sociocultural factors. The study is developed under a qualitative approach based on the socio-critical paradigm. The development of digital capital refers to the individual technological ecosystem that shapes and guides the way in which a user interacts with digital technologies based on the integration of cultural and social factors of people throughout their lives, allowing an association, a transferability and reproduction of knowledge. From the research it can be concluded that, for the participating teachers, sociocultural factors, and the development of social capital with close actors such as family and co-workers, generate states of confidence for learning about technology. The above allows the formation of digital capital that is more contextualized to your needs and resources that you can access.
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