Social machines in information science: a focus on Brazil
Information Science, Social Machines, Technological Challenges, BRAPCI, MappingAbstract
The research field dedicated to social machines in Information Science continues to reveal itself as a fertile and constantly expanding territory. However, it is important to note that, so far, there is no universally accepted definition for the term "social machines" within the scientific community. This scenario demands a deeper understanding of how this concept has been explored in Information Science, a field that, by its nature, is closely linked to the process of dissemination and sharing of information in an increasingly digital contemporary context. As society becomes increasingly digital, the role of social machines in the contexts of access, representation, and dissemination of information assumes growing importance. But what exactly are social machines? These mechanisms can be conceptualized as spaces or systems driven by humans that play a fundamental role in the socialization of information, connecting diverse and distinct communities. This study focuses on analyzing how the theme of social machines has been discussed in the academic community of Information Science in Brazil. To conduct this research, a systematic literature mapping was carried out using the BRAPCI and Google Scholar databases as sources. Specific inclusion criteria were applied, limiting the search to scientific articles in Portuguese published between 2018 and 2023 that included the term "social machines" in their titles or abstracts. Furthermore, priority was given to selecting papers that employed descriptive methodologies and presented relevant results for the topic at hand. Initially, a total of 696 papers related to our research were identified. However, after a careful analysis and the application of selection criteria, only one paper was considered appropriate for our analysis. Surprisingly, this selected paper did not fully meet the objectives of our research, as it did not address aspects that substantially contributed to the development of an understanding of the theme within the field of Information Science. Instead, the chosen paper presented a historical approach, tracing the evolution of the concept of social machines in relation to Information Science. In this context, an important question arises: is Brazilian Information Science really exploring the dimensions of the social machines phenomenon? We argue that the field could significantly benefit from expanding its horizons and embracing more in-depth and comprehensive studies that explore the role of information in contemporary society, especially in the context of digital technologies. In summary, this study does not provide a definitive conclusion. Instead, it serves as a starting point for a broader and deeper analysis of Information Science as a contemporary field intrinsically linked to technological development in society. The challenge now is to explore social machines more widely and their relationship with Information Science in Brazil, thereby contributing to a more holistic and comprehensive understanding of this theme.
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