Information practices and the development of information competency in higher education and research institutions in Mozambique: a theoretical approach




Information Practices, Information Literacy, Researchers, Higher Education and Research Institutions, Mozambique


The relationships that the user establishes with the social environment are decisive for the emergence of needs, the processes of searching and using information as informational practices that, if carried out effectively, can promote the development of information competence. This research aims to analyze the information skills that researchers at Higher Education and Research Institutions in Mozambique develop based on their information practices. As a theoretical reference, the perspectives of information practices that are limited to the subarea of ​​user studies from a sociocultural perspective are presented, as well as the approach to information competence as skills for searching, evaluating, and using information in an ethical and efficient manner. This research is characterized as an exploratory study, of a qualitative nature, of a bibliographic and documentary type. Documentary research made it possible to obtain information linked to the functioning of higher education institutions and research in general, as well as the information practices developed by researchers. Thus, it is considered that researchers partially assume the conceptions of information competence due to several factors and scarcity of resources, highlighting limited infrastructure, research laboratories, technological resources, as well as financial resources for this. However, it is clear that in order to produce new knowledge, researchers carry out the processes involved in information practices, although in a deficient way depending on their context, which contributes to the development of information competence. In this way, scientific research must constitute a determining milestone in your daily activities for scientific production and innovation in Mozambique.

Author Biography

Tamara de Souza Brandão Guaraldo, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)

PhD in Information Science from FFC Unesp - Marília (2013). Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Information Science at FFC Unesp (PPGCI). Assistant Professor Doctor of Public Relations, Design and Broadcasting courses at FAAC UNESP-Bauru. Vice-leader of the Communication, Information and Management (CIG) research group. In the Doctorate, he received a Capes scholarship, having studied Communication Management at the National University of La Plata (UNLP) - Argentina, with an AUGM scholarship (University Association Montevideo Group). Master in Communication from UNESP (2005), with a Capes scholarship, and graduated in Social Communication - Journalism, UNESP (2000). Degree in Special Teacher Training Program (UNIMES, 2007). She worked as a Teacher of Basic Education I in the State Public Education Network (SEDUC-SP). She is a researcher, working mainly on the following topics: communication, mediation, information and knowledge management; information users; reading; active methodologies; speech analysis. He has teaching experience (Unesp, FIB, FAEF) and professional experience in the areas of Communication, Public Relations and Advisory.



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How to Cite

Matenga, J. A. M., & Guaraldo, T. de S. B. . (2023). Information practices and the development of information competency in higher education and research institutions in Mozambique: a theoretical approach. Revista EDICIC, 3(3), 1–14.