Organic information in the era of digital health: the treatment of electronic records in hospitals in Brazil and Spain
Organic Health Information, Archive Functions and Digital Health, Information Management, Information Products and Services, Producers and National Health SystemsAbstract
The objective is to present the management of advanced technologies for the production, circulation, storage, and access to organic health information in Brazilian and Spanish hospitals in the context of the digital society. Clinical registries guide the operation of organizations that produce health services, subsidize the formulation of public policies and the equipment of nations to face pandemics. The application of the electronic medical record associated with new concepts of digital health is recommended. The use of file functions applied to the management of electronic medical record is defended as one of the advanced technologies, understanding them as a set of physical and intellectual principles, techniques and procedures for the treatment and organization of organic information, consequently, of products and services. information services. Do you question how Brazilian and Spanish hospitals manage the electronic medical record? The study was conceived in two stages and is exploratory and descriptive, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, of a bibliographic, documentary, survey, and empirical type. Content analysis and descriptive statistics techniques were applied to 11 statements from Group I and two questions from Group II of the questionnaire among 22 and 13 respondents from 10 and 11 hospitals in Brazil and Spain, respectively. If, on the one hand, the results found reveal that the information services of the organizations that produce health services in Spain seem to be more structured than those of Brazil, on the other hand, the percentages of both samples reveal the low adherence related to the production tools, circulation, exchange and access to organic information; and management practices for electronic medical record. The results show some obstacles and that these can be minimized to promote innovation opportunities in electronic medical record management and the effectiveness of national systems. This innovation in management depends on the incorporation of archival functions to the treatment and organization of these records and to the subsystems of information products and services. The complexity of the health reality in Brazil and Spain requires a systemic understanding that implies a capillary organization through a structure of complex networks established in the configuration of the health systems of both countries together with civil society. The qualification of the information services of these organizations that produce health services covers the awareness of the professionals involved in the execution of a multidisciplinary work for the treatment and organization of the organic information in health, since these represent the input for the scope of the governance of the national system of health systems. The eradication of inequalities in access to organizations that produce health services on planet Earth depends on the understanding of managers and the multidisciplinary health team to incorporate the habitus of treatment and organization of organic information as a public good for the achievement of the dimensions of the sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental, as recommended by the 2030 Agenda.
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