Sharing research data from database of the music in 19th century periodicals (MPO) project: a prototype using ckan software




Open Science, Music in 19th Century Periodicals, FAIR, Reuse, CKAN


The open access movement is being promoted by the Open Science initiative, where, in essence, the research objects and results produced by investigations go beyond documentary production in S&T, as they also incorporate the data used in developing this research. The availability of this data must be implemented in such a way as to enable other research initiatives to reuse it in the context of new investigations. This report explores the use of the database of the Música em Periódicos Oitocentistas [Music in 19th Century Periodicals] (MPO) project and presents the prototype with the project's data-sharing initiative. The development of the sharing prototype followed the recommendations presented by the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), as adopting these principles improves the sharing of research data. The methodology used combines methods and epistemological approaches, evaluating the data in a qualitative way and using a literature review to bring together the theoretical aspects involved, as well as practical application through a case study to compose the data sets. Using the FAIRfication process on datasets from the MPO project, selected from the periodical A Marmota na Corte [The Marmot in Court], resource structures were defined to elucidate the dataset deposited in the CKAN software. The results of the prototype show the structure of two datasets containing records with textual descriptions of news about music in the 19th century. The datasets are published under the Creative Commons Attribuition License (cc-by) and hosted on the CKAN platform, allowing their content to be reused by researchers interested in the subject.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, C. J. S., & Ulhôa, M. T. de . (2023). Sharing research data from database of the music in 19th century periodicals (MPO) project: a prototype using ckan software. Revista EDICIC, 3(3), 1–18.