A proposal for temporal representation in information systems: application to compulsory education legislation in Portugal (Sec. XVIII-Sec. XX)





Temporal Information System, Archives, Information Mediation, Information Science, Network Science


It is up to CI to investigate the properties and behavior of information, the forces that govern information flows and its processing, for maximum utilization and use, as well as it is up to CI to import the social and human use of information, in a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary dialogue and transdisciplinary. Knowledge can be understood as a phenomenon resulting from the accumulation of information within the human mind, enabling the holder to use it in new situations. The present moment results from a series of interactions, from the past and which are linked together like links in a continuous chain. The possibility of building a map or artefact that would allow information from the past to be updated in the present could increase individual and social knowledge. It is also understood that the mediation of information is a historical-social process, as the moment in which it takes place is not a static time frame. This relationship can also be seen in the context of archival mediation. The diachronic arrangement of documents is something underlying the documentary series. The flows of information that began in the past manifest themselves in the present, in a concrete way, although not always recognized, due to the distortion imposed by the limits of our lives. There are recent techniques, based on Network Science, that facilitate the visualization of temporal and systemic evolutionary relationships, which allow us to answer the question that arises: where are the events of the past today? The archive is a witness to the past and the archivist can be, through the construction of this type of artefact, the 'updater' par excellence of the information passed on in the present with the minimum of appropriation and interference. An investigation was designed that will be based on a corpus, based on the collection of Portuguese legislation on compulsory education, from the 18th century to the 20th century, marking the different moments in time and which, as such, will be included in the construction of the system. The aim is to build a temporal information system, a visual map or artefact, based on the documentary series that demonstrates the diachronic evolution of the events described in them. This artefact will seek to substantiate a form of mediation on the part of the archivist, that of an ‘updater’ of past information. The quadripolar method was used to approach the object and in the empirical part the automatic analysis of latent content was used, for the calculation, diploma by diploma, of clusters of quantified semantic meaning. From the quantification, calculated using the R-Iramuteq software (Reinert Method), a visual system will be built, embodied in a 'band graph' that will reflect the flows of temporal information. The method was tested based on three legal diplomas (documents) arranged diachronically, obtaining a map or temporal information system translated into a visual graph that allowed the visualization of the evolution of events over time and, therefore, the feasibility of systematic construction of this type of artifacts.


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How to Cite

Coelho, A. I., Marques, M. B. P. de S. M., & Gouveia, L. B. (2023). A proposal for temporal representation in information systems: application to compulsory education legislation in Portugal (Sec. XVIII-Sec. XX). Revista EDICIC, 3(2), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.62758/re.v3i2.203