Information and georeferencing: a look at geographic information systems in the information science field




Geographic Information Systems, Geographic Information Science, Information Science, Urban Space, Digital Humanities


Appearing after the Second World War, geographic information systems surpassed the primary context of digital mapping to influence the configuration of urban space, directly interfering in the way societies have moved and related to equipment, platforms, and people, from the geolocation facilities in the hand palm. In this context, Geographic Information Science emerges as a theme that aims to bring studies carried out within the scope of geographic information systems to the behavioral implications of its users. This paper aims to identify the incidence of studies that address the topic of geographic information systems, based on scientific production in the Information Science field. In the methodological scope, it is configured as research of qualitative and quantitative nature, exploratory type and, for that, a bibliographic review was carried out in three international databases: Web of Science; Library, Information Science and Technology; and Information Science & Technology Abstracts, spanning the 20-year period (1999-2019). We sought to highlight the field of so-called Geographic Information Science as an integral part of Information Science studies. The results demonstrate a scarce production on the subject in the Information Science field, when compared to other areas of knowledge, despite a considerable growth in the citation curve of that production. From this perspective, there are challenges and perspectives on studies focused on geographic information systems as an object of investigation in Information Science.


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How to Cite

França, H. E. C., Marques, M. B. P. de S. M., & Valentim, M. L. P. (2023). Information and georeferencing: a look at geographic information systems in the information science field. Revista EDICIC, 3(3), 1–17.