Critical archivist and librarians: organic intellectuals toward social justice




Social Justice, Archivists, Librarians, Organic Intellectuals, Knowledge Organization


Understanding archivists and librarians as organic intellectuals, based on Gramsci's concept, this paper aims to analyze the role of these professionals in developing knowledge organization systems oriented to social justice. To this end, a theoretical and exploratory study is carried out, with a qualitative approach, based on bibliographic research in databases, also composing the work's theoretical framework. It also presents the biographies of two influential authors considered the forerunners of discussions of social justice in archives and libraries, Zinn and Berman, and understood in the text as organic intellectuals. Finally, it defends a program with a conscious orientation of critical archivists and librarians toward social justice.


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How to Cite

Corrêa, L. A. S., & Tognoli, N. B. (2022). Critical archivist and librarians: organic intellectuals toward social justice. Revista EDICIC, 2(4).