Disinformation and information literacy: a literature review from the Brapci and BDTD databases
Information Literacy, Disinformation, Fake News, Literature ReviewAbstract
Disinformation has been a problem highlighted in studies from different areas of knowledge, as it can cause damage in various spheres of individuals' lives. In this sense, the objective of this study is to analyze the bibliographic production at the national level that interrelates disinformation and information literacy, having the Reference Database of Articles of Periodicals in Information Science (Brapci) and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) as search sites. This is an exploratory and bibliographic study with a quali-quantitative approach, using a systematic literature review and the assumptions of content analysis proposed by Bardin. Of the 30 documents analyzed, it was found that most texts deal with conceptual discussions about disinformation and information literacy. However, documents were also identified on: information literacy actions; disinformation and health; competence literacy and disinformation in the context of Archival Science and Librarianship. It is considered that more studies that relate the two themes should be developed in order to contribute to the development of theoretical frameworks and practical activities to prevent disinformation.
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