Evaluation Policy

The Scientific Committee of the Revista EDICIC is made up of ad hoc evaluators, researchers in the scientific field of Information Science and areas related to the focus and scope of the Journal, whose nomination is the responsibility of the Responsible Editor or the Section Editors, based on the suggestions made by the Editorial board. The selection criteria for ad hoc evaluators are: training and/or experience in the area of the topic to be evaluated and having a doctorate degree.

The originals are submitted to evaluation by 2 (two) ad hoc evaluators (referees), with recognized academic-scientific competence at an international level, using the “double blind review” evaluation model, except in the case of preprints. In case of divergence in opinion, the original text is sent to a third ad hoc evaluator (referee).

Evaluators must take the following into account:

  • Impartiality: evaluating each text presented and judging it according to the Revista EDICIC evaluation guidelines.
  • Confidentiality: the evaluation process is confidential and, therefore, must be kept confidential, that is, information about the text and the evaluation must not be shared with anyone who is not involved in the editorial process.
  • Availability: if the ad hoc evaluator does not feel prepared to continue evaluating the text, simply inform the Responsible Editor or the Section Editor of the decision to withdraw from the evaluation process.
  • Criticism: comments must not be personal, that is, it is essential to express opinions through clear arguments that support constructive and non-destructive criticism. The ad hoc evaluator must be guided by research ethics and ethics regarding human relationships.
  • Contribution: double-blind peer review can contribute to editorial decisions, through communication between evaluator and editor and/or between evaluator and author, suggesting improvements when necessary. Likewise, it can contribute by indicating relevant texts that can be used by the author to improve the development of the text.
  • Plagiarism: the evaluator can and must draw the attention of the Responsible Editor or Section Editor to any significant similarity between the text under evaluation and other texts published in other media and/or channels.

The evaluation must be carried out using the Evaluation Form available in the Editorial Process:

  1. Compliance with the focus and thematic scope of the Revista EDICIC.
  2. Assessment of the paper theoretical content and scientific methodology, according to the following criteria: In the theoretical foundation, ideas must be presented and discussed in a systematic and logical manner with clear, objective, and concise writing, facilitating communication between the author and the reader; It must present thematic relevance, as well as reflections on the research results, highlighting the interrelated contributions to the theme(s) that make up the focus and scope of the Journal, as well as the contributions to the scientific field; The methodological procedures adopted in the research must be clearly described, delimited, justified, and consistents.
  3. It must prioritize original research and themes, highlighting theoretical, methodological and/or practical aspects not yet addressed.
  4. It must be observed whether the contribution is original, that is, the text must not be evaluated for publication in another periodical, through the channel.
  5. It must relate the results obtained with the initial assumptions, highlighting the contributions to the area.
  6. The text must be in accordance with the template and rules of the Revista EDICIC.
  7. Compliance with APA Standards related to technical aspects: citations, progressive numbering, references, illustrations, charts, tables, graphs, section structure, etc.
  8. Grammatical correction of English, Spanish or Portuguese. The grammatical, spelling, and regulatory aspects are the responsibility of the author.

After evaluation, the article returns to the author for review, according to suggestions from ad hoc evaluators. The author must return the revised article to the Responsible Editor or Section Editor within the stipulated deadline. The author is notified when the text is received, sent for evaluation and, also when the text is accepted or not accept for publication. Editing proofs are sent to the author for final correction, who, in turn, must carefully review it and return it to the Responsible Editor or Section Editor.

The Revista EDICIC reserves the right to make changes to the originals sent regarding: layout, spelling and grammatical corrections in order to maintain the cultured norm of the language, whilst respecting the authors' style.

Submitting an article to Revista EDICIC grants the Association all rights to publish that text, that is, the author automatically agrees to its publication, as established by the Creative Commons CC BY license described in this Editorial Policy. Responsibility for the content of the article lies entirely with the author.

Conflict of Interest

The Revista EDICIC values research ethics and carries out the process of impartial evaluation of the scientific texts received. From this perspective, it is essential that ad hoc evaluators do not have interests that, apparent or not, could influence the result of the evaluation, that is, the ad hoc evaluator should not agree to evaluate a text, which may be influenced for some subliminal reason and, therefore, must declare himself incompetent to evaluate it.

If any type of conflict of interest is evidenced, the ad hoc evaluator must immediately contact the Responsible Editor or Section Editor, informing them of the refusal to evaluate the text declaring the conflict of interest.