Investigation of scientific production about the theme "Metric Studies" in the BRAPCI database: a bibliometric analysis




Scientific Production Evaluation, Metric Studies, Networks of Co-Authorship, BRAPCI


The objective of this research is to analyze the scientific production about ‘Metric Studies’. It was used the data base BRAPCI (data base of articles and journals in Information Science) to outline the authors and institutions that produced more. As research procedure it was analyzed the articles with the keywords that represent the area of metric studies such as: Bibliometric, Cientometric, Informetric, Webmetric and Patentometric between 1991 and 2011. It was analyzed the variable in study, building the collaborative network through the software Pajek. From these results, it was possible to delineate the tendencies presented in the scientific community on this subject from the data base BRAPCI.


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How to Cite

Lima, L. S., Soares, C. F., & Oliveira, E. F. T. de. (2021). Investigation of scientific production about the theme "Metric Studies" in the BRAPCI database: a bibliometric analysis. Revista EDICIC, 1(4), 299–310.



Research Papers