FRBR and the description of metadata in digital media




Descriptive Cataloging, Markup Languages, Metadata Digital, Information Retrieval, FRBR


This article describes the relationships between the languages ​​markup (LM) and digital metadata formats, highlighting the advantages of these new technologies in the description and access to bibliographic records available on the Web Starts highlighting the flexibility afforded by the languages ​​markup in publishing and access to documents Advances in Web environment the advantages of the new FRBR conceptual model that elect to focus on your users' tasks (identification, search, selection, access and acquisition) breaks with the traditional paradigm that prioritizes how access points to the author, title and subject and hierarchical description. It ends by describing the results of applying the FRBR model in the Public Domain digital library maintained by the Ministry of Education.


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How to Cite

Bezerra, D. A., & Souza, E. G. de. (2021). FRBR and the description of metadata in digital media. Revista EDICIC, 1(4), 327–341.



Research Papers