Museum professionals and access to the visually impaired: the cultural action of the “See with your hands” project


  • Thais Regina Franciscon de Paula Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)



Cultural Action, Accessibility in Museums, Visually Deficient, Project “See with his Hands”


Presents a study about the Cultural Action in Information Science scope from the experience of "Museum, a project of inclusion: see with his hands" project. Uses the Teixeira Coelho’s concept of Cultural Action and verbs "inform, discuss and create" proposed Luis Milanesi. Understands the museum space as an informational unit. The approach used was qualitative research through focus group interviews with participants and the project staff, confronting the concept of cultural actions with the of information access right and the museum. The founded results are the satisfaction of participants and staff regarding the activity developed. Concludes that the museum staff acted as a cultural agent, being the cultural agent a "professions dimension", within information access responsibility and commitment.


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How to Cite

Paula, T. R. F. de. (2021). Museum professionals and access to the visually impaired: the cultural action of the “See with your hands” project. Revista EDICIC, 1(3), 36–51.



Research Papers