The role and performance of the information professional for the digitization of rare documents and their consequent availability




Information, Information Professional, Digitalization, Rare Publications


The academic formation for the professional that will be directly involved with the information and your multiple access forms it demands a larger approach of this professional with the tools that give the support your activity, facilitating the conversion of information for different supports. This conversion is necessary, in the measure of the increase every time larger of the amount of information that you/they circulate today, wants it is in the academy and also in the organizations, elevating the constant search for solutions that give full access of these information to different publics and in different spaces and social contexts. The paper, then, of the professional of the information in this sense is primordial, considering your vision of the whole and the ability in the handling of tools, techniques and appropriate systems for the treatment and the conversion of the information. This article has for objective to identify the paper and the professional's of the information performance for the digitalization of rare documents and your consequent readiness. Among the authors consulted for writing of this article they stand out Robredo (2003), Tarapanoff et al. (2002), Darnton (2010), Rondinelli (2005). The methodology is treated of a subject summary that, leaning in bibliographical and documental research, and starting from secondary data collected in the state of the art on the theme, it identifies and it presents the treatment possibilities and preservation of rare collections transformed through the digitalization and placed the disposition for consultation to researchers and other interested subjects. This work integrates into the project Digitalization of the Collection of Rare Publications of IPHAN - São Cristóvão her, that involves academics, teachers and researchers of the course of Library and Documentation Sciences of the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) and of the Institute of the Historical Patrimony and National Archives (IPHAN), in the universalization of the access to this collection considered unpublished in Sergipe, Brazil. 


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How to Cite

Nunes, M. S. C., & Araújo, S. L. E. de. (2021). The role and performance of the information professional for the digitization of rare documents and their consequent availability. Revista EDICIC, 1(3), 352–363.



Research Papers