The information professional in the context of sports management: football clubs, a proposal for Marília Atlético Club




Information Professional, Information Management, Structure Organizational, Competitive Intelligence, Soccer’s Club


The information professional as essential component in the soccer’s club and this article approaches the importance of the information professional insertion inside the soccer’s club. Know the structure of the clubs, as well like identify the diverse information that are inserted in this context – internal and external environment – of these organizations is necessary for a better comprehension of the activities that the information professional can perform in the clubs. Carrying out a parallel with the organizational structure model proposal by Mintzberg (1995) with the structure of Marília Athletic Club stayed clear the need of the information professional insert, therefore the Club is inserted in a highly competitive environment, there is many information, but little explored.


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How to Cite

Jorge, C. F. B., & Marta. (2021). The information professional in the context of sports management: football clubs, a proposal for Marília Atlético Club. Revista EDICIC, 1(3), 112–126.



Research Papers