Formative assessment as a contribution to the teaching of information literacy


  • Amanda Sertori dos Santos Centro Universitário Antônio Eufrásio de Toledo de Presidente Prudente
  • Helen de Castro Silva Casarin Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)



Information Literacy, Assessment, Formative Assessment, Assessment Instruments


The worry to assess the information Literacy is growing up on literature, which points out the need to verify the effectiveness of information literacy programs. In Brazil, the movement to de actions to assess is turn to the diagnostic line. There are few specific initiatives to assess the development of the programs, called formative assessment. Researchers of the area of education defend assess like a social practical that requires rigor and methods and confirmed that this can‟t be considered just like a measure. Before these aspects, approach to methods and tools for formative assessment of information literacy, the way in the instruments don‟t to be seeing like principal pieces in assess, but like auxiliary tools for the measurement of results and principal as school guiding that are useful for learning.



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How to Cite

Santos, A. S. dos, & Casarin, H. de C. S. (2021). Formative assessment as a contribution to the teaching of information literacy. Revista EDICIC, 1(2), 289–301.



Research Papers