Three institutional dimensions of the public library


  • José Daniel Moncada Patiño Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA)



Public Library, Social Functions, Technical Funcions, Managerial Functions


Presents a reflection on the social institutionalism of the public library reviewing contemporary consideration as an institution "democratic" and "neutral". Specifically, on a critical point in its institutions: the question of social, technical and managerial functions. This discussion is framed in the first point, in a reflection on the paradigms posed by Sonia Gironelly and a review of social action and policy of the library, to propose three institutional dimensions from which the library has understood and developed concept of public library: its consideration as a social institution, from perspectives of functionalist sociology of the early twentieth century, as the unit of information, technical and technological prospects driven by the emergence of Information Science, systems approaches and relationships with the technical sciences, and as an organization, from contemporary economic and managerial perspectives. Finally, a conclusion the research problem how to encourage discussion on the subject in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Moncada Patiño, J. D. (2021). Three institutional dimensions of the public library. Revista EDICIC, 1(2), 19–34.



Research Papers