Organization of information and artificial intelligence: the textual organization proposed by ChatGPT




Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, Discursive Frames, Information Retrieval, Statement Analysis


Information Science is considered an interdisciplinary science, which means that it contributes to and receives contributions from various fields, one of which is Computer Science. Among the fields of study in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence is currently prominent, as interest in studies related to machine intelligence has increased significantly, especially with the emergence of generative tools like ChatGPT. Considering that these tools are capable of imitating some cognitive functions of humans, their applications in information organization can be explored. The objective of this research is to reflect on the possibilities of information organization resulting from access to ChatGPT, exploring text configuration and how the chatbot composes informational objects in its responses. Given the above, artificial intelligence has great potential to be a tool for assisting in information organization; however, ChatGPT has some limitations that need to be studied and developed to offer better application possibilities.


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How to Cite

Ferneda, E., Martines, A. R., & Machado, T. R. de C. (2023). Organization of information and artificial intelligence: the textual organization proposed by ChatGPT. Revista EDICIC, 3(2), 1–13.