Research competencies in information science curriculums: comparative study between Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Mexico and Paraguay




Information Sciences Ibero-America, Higher Education, Investigative Competence, Information Sciences Study Plans


Research competencies play a fundamental role in academic training, especially in higher education, since they involve the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to carry out high-quality research activities. The objective of this study is to determine the scope of research competencies in the Information Sciences curricula in the countries under analysis. A qualitative study of descriptive scope was carried out that involved six universities that offer programs in the field of Information Sciences in Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, Spain, Mexico and Paraguay. The study plans and subjects related to scientific research were examined using a matrix to analyze the scope of the research competencies studied. The results reveal that research competencies are incorporated into the study plans of the Information Sciences programs analyzed, although they vary in scope and degree of compliance. In addition, areas of weakness or limitation in training in research skills were identified. Similarities and differences are observed between the universities studied, and these discrepancies are attributed to factors such as the historical, political, social and cultural context; the level and type of financing; the degree and quality of collaboration between academia and society; the profile and experience of the teaching staff; and curricular and methodological design.


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How to Cite

Sena-Correa, E., Villalba-Benítez, F. M., Cuevas-Cerveró, M. A., Ovalle-Perandones, M. A., & Ruiz-Díaz, M. C. . (2024). Research competencies in information science curriculums: comparative study between Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Spain, Mexico and Paraguay. Revista EDICIC, 3(4), 1–10.