Practical archive organization: the experience of the discipline in the archival science degree at UNIRIO




Archival Science, Archivist, Archivist Education, Practical Classes


The undergraduate course in Archival Science at UNIRIO is the oldest in Brazil. Since its creation, it has had several curricular configurations, which has changed its configuration and consequently the professional that has been educated over more than sixty years. In the 1991 curriculum reform, the subject of Practical Archive Organization, commonly called OPA, was created. The aim of the paper is to analyze the teaching experience achieved through the Practical Archive Organization discipline, taught in the undergraduate course in Archivology at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro since 1991. The theoretical framework is based on some authors who worked on the issues of academic education professionals to work in archives. The research is exploratory and descriptive in nature with qualitative and quantitative approaches. It uses bibliographical research in the area’s literature, and documents, in the archive of the UNIRIO School of Archival Science. Data collection techniques include observation and questionnaires. The scope studied includes students, alumni of the course as well as teachers. The experiences are very positive, students report having contact with activities that they do not have the opportunity to experience in other circumstances and with practices that enrich their formation, leaving them more prepared to practice the profession.


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How to Cite

Mariz, A. C. A. . (2024). Practical archive organization: the experience of the discipline in the archival science degree at UNIRIO. Revista EDICIC, 3(4), 1–15.