2030 agenda and ODS 4: relationships and inferences to informational, educational and cultural practices in public school library networks in South America
Public School Library, Sustainability, Agenda 2030, Library Networks, South AmericaAbstract
The 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals have global relevance, it is currently considered a kind of guide and/or plan of action for the entire international community, its main objective being the plural, broad and collective creation, of a more just, sustainable, and resilient world by the year 2030.Based on its premises, the elaboration of new national public policies aimed at books, reading and libraries, become instruments of paramount importance, as they can enable democratization of information, socialization of culture, expansion of the base with access to quality education, and, finally, the intellectual liberation of the individual. The networked public-school library, in turn, reinforces and expands the social role of the library as an entity that emancipates citizens, spreads culture, is an economic entrepreneur and defends the democratic rule of law. The objective of this research is to analyze the networks of public-school libraries in South America, relating them to the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goal 4, with the intention of establishing a model for measuring and developing structuring actions for the formulation of networks in Brazil effectively and assertively. Taking advantage of the experiences, on the subject of the analyzed countries (Chile and Argentina). This research has documentary characteristics, qualitative nature, exploratory/descriptive typology, and the method used is content analysis. We used the Systematic Literature Review for data collection, using the triangulation of sources as a technique for analysis.
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