Relations and approximations between library science and archival science: professional profiles in Brazil
Library Science, Archival Science, Science Information, Interdisciplinarity, Profesional ProfileAbstract
This paper proposes an analysis of the relationships and approximations in the professional context between librarians and archivists, based on the question of how the skills and abilities of professional librarians would be adapted to the development of archival routines. The hypothesis is that these careers encounter barriers when it comes to specific job designs, since there is an intersection of competences and skills, given that both professions require similar profiles because their object is the treatment of information, even if for different purposes; however, this perspective leads to the questioning of the suitability of the librarian profile for archival routines. With regard to the careers of Librarianship and Archivology, which are the subject of this study, we can emphasize their importance in digital information management processes and the adaptation of document processing methodologies to the digital environment, since they work in the preservation of documents, both bibliographic and archival, in the context of the information and knowledge society. The broad aim was to map out the so-called approximate competencies in careers in Information Science, Librarianship and Archivology, and the specific aim was to survey the scientific literature in the areas of Information Science, Archivology and Librarianship to determine the competencies and skills required for the professional profiles of these careers; analyze the similarities and divergences present in the relationship between the competences of professional archivists and librarians, delimiting the scope of professional practices in each field; outline the ideal training profile that would be required in each area of training, with the aim of verifying the approximate relationships in terms of professional competence between librarians and archivists, so that the former can develop the professional routines of the latter. Methodologically, the research contributes by outlining a quantitative and qualitative overview of the professional skills of librarians and archivists, based on an exploratory approach using a bibliographic review to analyze the professional qualities and skills that exist and are required in both positions when they work together in archival activities. It was found that in the academic environment there is interest in studies involving the conception of courses in both careers, Librarianship and Archivology, the partnership between the respective areas, as well as the possibility of a curriculum reform in order to provide a grid of subjects that would allow a dialog between the careers and bring them closer together.
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