LGBTQIA+ sexualities and gender identities in Brazilian science: a preliminary study of dissertations and thesis at BDTD




Sexualities, Gender Identities, LGBTQIA , Theses and Dissertations, BDTD


The present work aims to present partial results on the production of national postgraduate studies on sexualities and gender identities. Exploratory and quantitative, the research consists of identifying and systematizing data on theses and dissertations searched for by the acronym LGBTQIA+ in the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). The results show an emphasis on works represented by the terms homosexual and travesti, in addition to an increase in productions on the themes between 2006 and 2018, showing a decline in the last three years. It is suggested that a combination of factors such as civil society mobilization and the increase and decrease of public policies and investments aimed at the LGBTQIA+ community may have influenced both the increase and decrease of academic production on the subject. In addition, the growth of works with LGBTQIA+ descriptors is proportionally greater than the total curve of theses and dissertations present in the BDTD, which allows us to affirm an increase in the scientific community's interest in the subject. It concludes that complementary research and analysis are necessary to confirm the causes and to understand the fields of these productions and their contributions to science.

Author Biographies

Andréa Doyle, Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR)/Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)

Professora do curso de Biblioteconomia na UNIR

Bolsista de pesquisa da Cotec/IBICT

Milton Shintaku, Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)

Coordenador da Cotec/IBICT


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How to Cite

Doyle, A., & Shintaku, M. (2022). LGBTQIA+ sexualities and gender identities in Brazilian science: a preliminary study of dissertations and thesis at BDTD. Revista EDICIC, 2(4).