Planning in uncertain environments: contributions of the BANI model to information policies




BANI model; Strategic planning; Learning Organizations; transformational leadership; Change management


Strategic planning helps to think about the organization in terms of goals and lines of action in the medium and long term, but these characterizing features do not seem to be in line with the current times where uncertainty and change are the currency of use, and that prevents think in terms of temporal coordinates that distance us from the present. However, they understand that managing the current situation and thinking about it from planning helps to achieve success and the development of policies according to these times. Strategic planning is observed from a situational and integrating approach, where contributions from different disciplinary perspectives converge. At the same time, it puts into dialogue organizational learning, change management and transformational leadership, to be in line with the proposal of the model that supports this work, which focuses on the BANI model. In it, a reality of chaos and confusion is defined, but at the same time the foundations are laid to take this as an opportunity, by thinking about life in organizations from this verification. From the methodological point of view, a theoretical study is proposed, which helps to understand the model and its complexity, making contributions on a topic that, due to its current nature, does not yet have a large body of bibliography. It is understood that assuming the current imprint from the BANI model can influence improvements in the formulation of information policies, and in this sense, this contribution seeks to establish what would be the guidelines of the model that would operate in said formulations, and what positive consequences could contribute to information policies, aspects that are made explicit in the results and are recovered in the final considerations.


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How to Cite

Fuster, Y. (2023). Planning in uncertain environments: contributions of the BANI model to information policies. Revista EDICIC, 2(1).