Analysis of theses and dissertations on racism: focus on the capes catalog of theses and dissertations
Bibliometric Analysis, Scientific Communication, RacismAbstract
This research has as its central theme the Thematic Representation of Information (RTI) involving bibliometric studies, specifically scientometrics. The field of application is the academic production of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) administered by the federal government in the State of Minas Gerais (MG), made available through the Theses and Dissertations Catalog (CTD) of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. (CAPES), related to racism in the period of 21 years (2000 to 2020). Thus, the problem proposed here seeks to know which HEIs maintained by the federal government in the State of Minas Gerais produce the most theses and dissertations on the racial issue in Brazil, and the amount of this production over the years from 2000 to 2020. Due to the recent valorization of the racial theme in Brazil as an object of scientific studies and in debates in the media, people of color continue to be the large portion of the population in our country that receives the lowest remuneration, that suffers all kinds of violence and discrimination , in addition to boasting lower socio-educational indices, although in recent years there has been some improvement in these indices, including access to higher education due to affirmative policies aimed at this portion of the Brazilian population (IBGE, 2019). According to Dias & Naves (2007), the treatment of information can have two main aspects, one focusing on the description of physical data and the other more subjective, focused on the content of documents describing the topics covered. Café & Bräscher (2008, pp.54-75) report that description (representation) is fundamental for the organization and retrieval of information. The research is exploratory and descriptive and also bibliographical and documentary, using the bibliometric study of the Minas Gerais academic production of theses and dissertations contained in the CAPES CTD that deals with the subject. The search found 460 documents on the subject. In the state, the institution that most dedicated itself to the subject was UFMG. This research demonstrates that there are many paths to be explored to break with racism in Brazilian society.
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