Documentary reading: pragmatic aspects of reception and condensation of texts to index and summarize




Reading in Documentation, Information Organization, Text Interpretation, Indexing, Abstracting


Reflections on reading in documentation highlighted for theories of text reception, based on concepts derived from the Semiotics of reception, Aesthetics of reception and Textual linguistics. In this sense, the dialectical author-text-reader relationships and the problems of interpretation are discussed. We conclude, based on these theories, that reading in documentation is always intentional and performed under institutional constraints. It requires that the intentio lectoris respect the itentio operis. This principle can guarantee the production of indexes and abstracts adherent to the informational content of the texts and be helpful to retrieve precise information.


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How to Cite

Kobashi, N. Y., & Santos, C. A. M. dos. (2021). Documentary reading: pragmatic aspects of reception and condensation of texts to index and summarize. Revista EDICIC, 1(4), 130–140.



Research Papers